Sunday, April 5, 2009

professional or selfish?

Last Friday I had so much fun playing futsal. This is my 2nd time. The first one is the fun one as we played it wearing a 'sarong'. hehe. Itu sukaneka. This time, I joined the team who are going to represent ACT in the NCG somewhere this year. I think it will be in July, Venue: Sydney. Only 9 girls turned up. I wanted to play this sport for a long time. Only had a chance here. However, one thing that makes me uncomfortable is the coach. I knew him. The fact that I know the 'truth' about this guy, makes me think twice to join the team again for the next practice. Diibaratkan diluah mati emak, ditelan mati bapak.
My husband and my mom advised me to quit. No more futsal! But I know deep down inside I want to play this sport as I enjoyed it soooo much. I can act normally. Neither him. Though both of us know what is the real deal. We're just being professional. Personal things must be put aside.
I want to play again but somehow I feel guilty to certain people (besides my mum and hubby). It's like that I am not supportive towards them or just being selfish to my needs. Well, you might say it is just a game. Well, for me, I am not that active who can play all type of sports.
I hope I can make a good decision out of this. Well, either me or somebody else has to sacrifice.

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