Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They have spoken

The decision has been made. Three against one. Of course la the majority win. Well, I guess I have to give up my passion to futsal. It's ok. Maybe sudah ditakdirkan yg aku tak main futsal kat sini. Byk masa lagi. Kalau larat besok, balik malaysia bole main dgn kawan2. Cuma bsk dah balik makin tua. Larat ke? And I think futsal tak sesuai utk golongan isteri dan ibu2. Hehe. Yela, kasar main dia. But believe me, once you try it, you're gonna love it. It is so much fun! I feel free and alive..and young. I know that it will be quite possible for me to play futsal in Malaysia. Oh well, we'll see about that later on.
It's just that I am a bit sad for letting this go...where I have the only do something good in my be polish my skills in do something that I never had a chance during my schooldays (which is playing sports) represent the state ( I know my contribution is small but for me it is a good achievement)..I guess..people just don't see it the way I see it...and how bad I want to prove to myself that I can do this and I can be active in sports...
I guess I just stick to kaki bangku jek la...

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